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Don't Let Weeds Escape in Your Field


When it comes to weed control, timing is everything. Weeds like waterhemp, Palmer amaranth and pigweed can be big threats to your fields, so proper herbicide application timing is imperative for control.

Wet fields in the spring make it difficult to apply herbicides at timely stages, allowing weed patches to overrun that area of the field. These weeds often have the potential to become too large for herbicides to control in the later months of the growing season.

Weed management is crucial for maximizing yield potential. Keep the following tips in mind to help reduce late-season damage:

  • Scout early and scout often: Scouting your fields for weeds as early as possible can help avoid weed infestations later in the season. Iowa State University cites early-season scouting as a crucial component to maximizing yield. You should prioritize scouting after emergence, as weeds can still be more easily controlled at this point.
  • Be mindful of weather: Extremely warm or wet conditions promote weed growth. Be cautious of rainy weather when it comes to weed control. Corn and Soybean Digest warns that a lot of rain can make weeds difficult to control, since it promotes germination. Catching these weeds early will lead to better herbicide performance. 
  • Spray weeds in a timely manner: Herbicides are more effective when sprayed on weeds before they reach 3”. Palmer amaranth, however, is best controlled when it is only 2”.
  • Beware of resistance: Dioecious weeds such as waterhemp can become resistant with increased genetic diversity by cross pollinating. Evaluate against a few criteria regarding spraying such as rate used, weather conditions, weed height, etc. If you find weed infestations in your field, contact your extension agent.

When it comes to herbicide application, be proactive and get ahead of weeds in your field.

Contact your Golden Harvest Seed Advisor with questions or for additional agronomic insights.

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