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Blake Mumm’s region covers a lot of acres. And his knowledge is just as vast.


Golden Harvest® Seed Agronomist Blake Mumm’s experience is well rounded and extensive. He’s dealt with a variety of conditions in Nebraska and that knowledge serves him well when keeping up with the region’s varying soil and environmental conditions. “Management is the key to getting ahead of potential problems,” says Blake. “You just have to keep your eye on things at all times during the season. It might be something you can pick up early or it might be something you don’t see until later. Either way, my job is to identify issues, solve problems and help the farmer adjust their management style, if that’s what’s needed.”

When it comes to diagnosing a problem, Blake will go to any length. Just last year there was something going on in one of his farmer’s fields that was making them both scratch their heads. “I couldn’t figure it out, so I grabbed a few of my books and started

investigating,” Blake remarked. “Then I talked to the farmer again, and finally, walked back out into the field and just dug a few plants up. I even started splitting stalks. And then I found on the very base of the plant, the crown was kind of brown and I thought that was odd. Took a few samples in, sure enough they tested it and it was crown rot. Never really seen anything come in that early before and why it was happening in that particular area.” Once Blake knew what he was dealing with, it was easy for him to recommend the right treatment and plan ahead to prevent it next season.

Whether it’s a seed recommendation or uncovering an unusual crown rot disease, Blake doesn’t stop until he gets to the right solution. In his own words, “I like solving problems for the farmers I work with. And I like them to know I will do all the digging I need to in order to find the answers.” Find out what Golden Harvest Agronomist Blake Mumm and the rest of the Golden Harvest Seed Team can do for you: call 1-800-652-7333 or visit today.


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