As a Southern Illinois University-Carbondale graduate with his bachelor’s in agriculture, Nate has always been passionate about the farm. Nate has 20 years of experience in the seed business and has spent the last 5 years with Golden Harvest and its legacy brands. Nate covers Golden Harvest agronomy in southwestern Illinois and helps manage his family’s corn, soybean and livestock operation.
A critical approach for Nate is to determine the most relevant information about a farmer and their operation that will help him tailor his recommendations. As he explains, “I take the time to find out what that farmer’s done in the past, whether that’s worked and what he’s comfortable doing. I also like to ask a lot of questions. If it’s a new customer, I’ll start with, ‘Tell me about your operation. What’s unique about your soils? What are your management practices? What has worked in the past?’”
For Nate, achieving success for farmers is part of the Service 365 year-round commitment to doing whatever it takes to optimize yields. It also means establishing relationships – whether it’s through a face-to-face conversation or a discussion on Twitter. No matter how farmers in his region prefer to communicate, Nate just wants to be the guy on the other end of the line.
Find out what Golden Harvest Agronomist Nate Prater and the rest of the Golden Harvest team can do for you.